
Welcome to YourDiary

Your Diary is the better, secure and private digital diary designed to influential brands and digital experiences.

Hello there!

We Are YourDiary

YourDiary gives you a better way to manage your day to day tasks and your all content is private. Features on the Your Diary app include:

  • Diary Data synced with server for free.
  • Custom Categories for daily pages.
  • Graphs and progress view by categories.
  • Advanced, Rich and Powerful Text Editor.
  • Share diary pages with anyone.
  • Data is always encrypted to ensure privacy.

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App's Look

Home Screen

This screen contents all your date wise notes.


Listed all the options in menu


A Look of diary's editor

Raw Editor

A Look of diary's raw editor

Report Generation

This option will generate entire report of your diary with specific configs.

Category tags stats

This option shows all the tagged pages stats.

Category tags stats with options

This option shows all the tagged pages stats with configuration.

Login screen

We currently supports login via FB and Google.

Marking tags on page.

You can mark tags on any date related pages. User can make own tags in categories menu.

Finding pages data by category.

You can click on any category in the category menu to find tags pages for that.